Tuesday, October 2, 2018

  5 Master Edits Link:  https://youtu.be/2Vd4ihtfJGI

Overview of what each theme of editing represents in my video:

Contrast:  In my first section of my five master edits, I used a typed piece of paper and a hand written piece of paper to show contrast between the two.  Since a hand written piece of paper is so imperfect, uneven, unsymmetrical, and often hard to read based on the individuals writing style, I found that when I compared handwriting to typed paper, the two showed a very strong contrast between each other. 

Parallelism.  For the second portion of my five master edits video, I used an example of parallelism.  For parallelism, I used my 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and my friends 1994 Jeep Wrangler.  Even though the two cars look drastically different from each other, they both share the name Jeep, are from the same historical period of Jeep production, and many of the features and mechanics are virtually identical in both vehicles.  Due to these factors, an individual cans see how similar both cars are when compared to each other. 

Symbolism:  The third segment to my five master edits was on symbolism.  For symbolism, I chose to show how an ordinary tree in our backyard can so easily be turned into a cardboard box or piece of paper without us even thinking about it.  When I videoed the cardboard U-Haul box, I also included an image of recycling from the side of the box to include a tad of irony along with the main theme of symbolism.

Simultaneity:  For simultaneity; which shows action occurring in two different places at the same time, I chose to show my mom calling my name from the kitchen because I am in trouble, while at the same time I am seen leaving my room and walking across the house towards the kitchen. 

Leit Motif:  For my final theme of Leit Motif, I chose to show my daily routine from the morning to evening.  A clock from my house is also shown periodically, emphasizing the time of day along with what is occurring.    As I start off my day, the clock shows the early morning when I'm in my bathroom, and when I'm getting in my car to head to school.  Later on in the video clip, I can be seen doing work in class, walking in the hallway, and finally leaving school at 2:05 PM.

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