Friday, November 9, 2018

I decided to do my mise-en-scene project based upon the 1980's TV show Miami Vice.  This episode is the eight episode from the first season of Miami
Vice, which is called "The Great McCarthy".  
This episode opens up with a wide angle view of a very large bank building in down town Miami, with the bright sun reflecting off of the concrete and glass panel windows of the building creating a very vibrant and lively open scene as all of the police cars and Vice detectives converge on the bank robbery.  Through this opening setting, the TV show helps give viewers especially from other parts of the United States a view of Miami's setting as vibrantly beautiful and stunning with large buildings and interesting features that were very unique and not present in any other parts of the country.  

Throughout all of the office scenes during this episode, the detective's office is always shown with very bright lighting that reflects off of all of the white and occasional bright teal walls in the office.  Through the choice of this TV series always showing the police office in a high-key lighting, it makes all of the characters in their pastel colored clothing and snazzy hair styles stand out when put in front of the barren large white walls.  This high-key lighting is especially prominent in the interrogation room scenes where there was usually only two or three people in brightly lit clothes in a very small baron white room with white furniture.

One of the most remembered aspects about the show Miami Vice was its vibrant and snazzy clothing that always stood out and contrasted everything else in each scene.  From pink blazers and tank tops to fine cut unique outfits, the shows costume aspect was one of the most influential aspects of the series.  In every episode, hours of though were put into every actor's attire, and each episode always featured a new piece of clothes that had never been featured before.  Through Miami Vice's stand out clothes, the series defined itself and kept its ratings high for many years into the series.

Another key aspect of Miami Vice was the setting.  The way in which the performance styling was developed within the series was a major component to the success the show obtained.  In every episode, the characters felt completely real, and it felt as if you had known each individual for years based on how the series had developed the characters as well as how each individual always reacted to a multitude of situations.

Through these four aspects of setting, lighting, costume, and acting, it can be seen how the TV series Miami Vice represents the key components of Mise-en-Scene throughout the entire run of the series.  

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