Monday, February 18, 2019

Q3 Week 6 Filming:

For my second week of filming I also experienced many of the difficulties I ran into during the first week.  The water quality and visibility also continued to remain a challenging factor for filming during the second week.  I was also able to accomplish some new aspects of filming like videoing myself rolling off the side of the boat.  While I thought this viewing angle was cool for my film opening, it still has far more potential.  I believe if I showed myself rolling off the boat from a different angle on the boat, this angle would show more of what I want from the scene.  While I did see many setbacks I also learned a lot more about what I am going to have to do to achieve the clips and angles I want for my film opening.  My friend will also be filming by boat form the air using a drone in the following week, which should help with the progress in filming my film opening.

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